A Guide to BrightWork Template Design Sync

Ciara McCarthy
By | Updated January 21, 2018 | 3 min read
verbose logging

BrightWork Template Design Sync allows you to make design changes to a template and pull those changes into sites created from that template on a site by site basis. These changes can include adding new items such as lists and list columns and removing certain unmatched items in the destination site.

In the table below, I’ve outlined what can and cannot be synced. Due to certain SharePoint design restrictions, and other practical reasons, not all changes to the template are synced. For example, new tasks are not synced as there is a high risk of over-writing existing project information.

3rd party tools are also out of scope. We would recommend that you test in Development to see what does and doesn’t come over from such software and how it may work with the BrightWork Design Sync.

Note: This is accurate for 15.5 / 16.1. Check out your BrightWork Help for other versions.




BrightWork Template Design Sync

Automatically Synced Optionally Synced Not Synced
Site features Quick Launch Links under the” Recent” heading on the Quick Launch
Site columns Report-Tabs list Any library marked as a catalog (like the web part library)
Site content types Site theme Content in lists and libraries including tasks
Site custom actions Master page application Email Scheduler
Site regional settings Home page design Wiki libraries
Site logo URL Remove unmatched list and libraries Email Notification settings
Site description Remove unmatched site content types Hold and eDiscovery feature settings
Additional lists and libraries Remove unmatched site columns List and libraries that are hidden from the browser (via SharePoint Designer) or hidden by design (e.g. Hold and eDiscovery)
List and library settings Remove unmatched views List alerts
List and library custom actions Remove unmatched list and library forms Master Page Library settings and views
List and library content types Add new BrightWork pages Metadata navigation settings
List and library columns Add new web parts to BrightWork pages No Code Workflow library settings
List and library view changes Add to Site Assets library BrightWork Reporter Personal Reports
Tree view settings Remove unmatched site pages Personal Views
Custom ProjectCacheSettings.xml files Add new Project Metrics Security Settings
  Setting of common project metrics Site Title and Description
    Updates to Workflows
    Project Request URL
    Project Status Reports column mappings
    Task schedule settings
    Metric tile webpart settings



BrightWork Template Design Sync

Ciara McCarthy
Ciara McCarthy

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