Top Project Management Trends For 2022

Shubhangi Pandey
By | Updated April 4, 2022 | 7 min read
Project Management trends

The project management industry is evolving quickly with the latest trends, tools, and technologies. The change is rapid and inevitable. Understanding the latest trends in project management will help you stay on top of your profession or business.

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These recent updates and trends in project management guide you to invest in the right resources, take control of your organization’s projects, and prepare your team for future changes. It’s the only way you can keep your firm on top of the game. Here are Top Project Management Trends for 2022 which are tied to the success of your company:


A continued emphasis on Agile methodology

Agile expansions are principles that help developers use to execute projects with the modern way of requirements discovery and solution delivery. It’s one of the latest trends in project management that allows team members to break down various projects into multiple stages. In addition, the process helps to manage the work seamlessly. It allows project managers to collaborate effectively with all stakeholders.

Agile is more flexible and adaptable, especially for remote working. The process helps in quick response to customer needs. With all this digital transformation and uncertainty, project managers can use agile methodologies to run the entire organization effectively. So this aspect can help you run complex projects while still embracing continuous innovations. The process is speculated to streamline workflows. As hybrid and remote working increases, different tools fill the gaps in project execution. These tools will enable you to collaborate with team members to meet’s customers’ requirements and preferences.


Expansion in the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in project management automation

As a project manager, expect AI and automation to be popular. As one of the recent trends in project management, AI is taking the entire industry by storm as it avoids the chance of human errors and reduces management costs.

AI is often used to get an overview of a project. It helps answer the big-ticket questions such as how long a project will take before completion, the progress, and how much funds the project needs. AI gives you more realistic predictions on projects based on data interpretation and automation.

Automation is not just about completing simple tasks; even complex ones can be handled effectively. You can even flag out risks before they become roadblocks in your project, thus helping you to make informed decisions. Nonetheless, these complex technologies such as AI require a person to have knowledge and skills to get the best out of it. So when using AI, you need to incorporate best practices to make your project seamless and practical. Remember, the technology can build or destroy your project, so use it wisely and consult if necessary.


Increase in project management tools integration

Integration of project management tools is one of the key project management to observe in 2022. Why? Organizations will require various tools to adopt agile working. Companies will have to incorporate the latest software and computing power vital in data analytics. As a project manager, you should be keen on which tools you integrate into the project. So, select the suitable tools to manage your project portfolios. It’s one of the best investments you can make to improve the organization’s progress and add value to the project.

Many organizations are incorporating project management tools. For instance, some project managers use multimedia conferencing to communicate with remote workers effectively. Research and choose the PPM solution that is best suited for your platform and work environment. It will enable you to ensure that you plan, schedule, and monitor the project well.


Increase in remote working

COVID-19 pandemic led to an increase in remote working. It opened doors for new ways of working and collaborating with remotely working teams. Companies mastered effective communication and collaboration with hybrid and remote teams. Both organizations and employees saw merit in working remotely. As the world is trying to get back on its feet and many countries are working to stabilize their economies, more people are still hooked to remote working. With the right tools, physical offices are becoming a thing of the past. This trend will dominate 2022 because employees have gotten quite used to the idea in the last two years, and companies have realized it’s cost-effective.

Project managers will be at the forefront of these changes in work processes at all levels of organizations. As a PMO, you will have to reevaluate what works for your company when controlling projects. During this transition virtual platforms, project management software, and good internet connectivity will be your best ally.


Global collaboration explosion

Organizations will have access to fresh and great talents from all around the world. Remote working is likely overcome the barrier to location and open doors to inviting global talent to increase productivity. Teams will be hired irrespective of location to use their skills and knowledge to execute different projects for the company. As a project manager, you should be ready to handle virtual teams and accept diversity. The best thing is that the talent pool will no more be restricted to where your company is based and you will have access to just what you need and not only what’s available. This will eventually help you increase organizational efficiency and productivity.

Another aspect of collaboration is between vendors and customers. That is helping your organization personnel to have different skills that are essential in dealing with other customers or vendors. Collaboration platforms must be tailored to create trust and transparency between various business aspects. So online project management with third parties will be crucial, especially when the business is complex.


Increased emphasis on the use of soft skills

As a project manager, you are expected to have a high level of expertise in executing various project operations in the organization. The role of soft skills emerges at every step of project management as they improve communication and collaboration, which are are key elements of most these project operations. They help you communicate with your teams and manage team members more efficiently to produce more outstanding results in the assigned project tasks.

Some examples of soft skills are empathy, leadership qualities, cognitive thinking, and communication skills. These soft skills help in increasing team performance, while also promoting an improved work culture in the organization. Whether it’s a project process such as assigning a task to a team member or whether a managerial task such as giving performance review with a team member, having a good range of soft skills will always come in handy.

We understand that project management can get complex, and you may require help. That’s why BrightWork 365 is here for you. As Bright Work 365, we provide flexible portfolio and project management solutions for the Microsoft 365 platform. We bring Microsoft 365 ecosystem in one setting to give you the best data-driven insights for your project.

As a project manager, you should get the latest trends in project management so that you can stay on top of your game. We have compiled the latest trends that can help you execute your projects effectively.


Knowing and studying these trends can help you prepare for the future that’s already been here, and also prepare for the project management challenges that can arise from these changes.


We understand that project management can get complex, and you may require help. That’s why BrightWork 365 is here for you. As Bright Work 365, we provide flexible portfolio and project management solutions for the Microsoft 365 platform. We bring Microsoft 365 ecosystem in one setting to give you the best data-driven insights for your project.


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Shubhangi Pandey
Shubhangi Pandey

BrightWork Content Marketer

Shubhangi is a product marketing enthusiast, who enjoys testing and sharing the BrightWork 365 project portfolio management solution capabilities with Microsoft 365 users. You can see her take on the experience of the template-driven BrightWork 365 solution, its unique project management success approach, and other personalized services across the site and social channels. Beyond BrightWork, Shubhangi loves to hunt for the newest Chai Latte-serving café, where she can read and write for hours.

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