BrightWork 365 Licensing and Installation Requirements
License Requirements
License Requirements for BrightWork 365
A BrightWork 365 license is required by any user who accesses the BrightWork 365 app. A license will also be required for any user who otherwise creates, updates, deletes, or alters a record in any of the BrightWork tables either within the BrightWork 365 app or outside the app. This includes, for example, approving a project request via Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Teams or any other means such as an additional app or automation.
The BrightWork 365 Request App may be used by anyone only needing to submit project requests. A license to this app is provided free of charge to BrightWork 365 customers and will not count towards the number of paid user licenses. No modifications in the Request app of any kind will be permitted.
A BrightWork 365 license is not required to view BrightWork 365 data in Microsoft Power BI.
Microsoft 365 License Requirements for BrightWork 365
The BrightWork 365 install account requires a Power Apps Premium license and to be assigned an Exchange Online mailbox (e.g., a minimum of a Microsoft 365 E1 or equivalent license).
All BrightWork 365 users require a Microsoft Power Apps license with full Dataverse access (i.e. ‘’Power Apps Premium”, “Power Apps per App”, or “Power Apps pay-as-you-go”).
Note: The Power Apps and Power Automate for Office 365 licenses that are included with Microsoft 365 Business Standard are not sufficient as they do not provide the premium connectors necessary for BrightWork 365.
Microsoft Power BI licenses are not required for every Brightwork 365 user. Anyone who wishes to view a BrightWork 365 Microsoft Power BI report, published to a shared workspace, will need a Power BI Pro license (minimum). Note – Power BI Pro is included in all Microsoft E5 and G5 license plans.
Access to BrightWork 365 will be managed by your IT administrator. Permissions can be managed by your IT administrator or delegated to a member of the Project Management or PMO team.
Installing BrightWork 365
BrightWork recommends scheduling a technical consultation with the BrightWork 365 Support team prior to commencing installation. The BrightWork 365 Installation Guide can be accessed at this link.
BrightWork 365 installs into a Dataverse-enabled environment in a Microsoft Power Platform tenant. We recommend using a dedicated environment and not installing BrightWork 365 into the default environment.
Organizations require at least one Power Apps Premium license and 1GB of Dataverse database and file space each to install BrightWork 365.